📣 _ * Today's University Announcements * _
`` Announcements and important educational news from various universities in Kerala at a glance```
* Kerala University Announcements *
* University of Kerala *
* Exam Results *
`` `Kerala University Sixth Semester Bachelor of Social Work (315) (BSW) (Regular - 2019 Admission, Supplementary - 2018 & 2017 Admission, Mercy Chance - 2014 Admission), April 2022 Exam Results Published. You can apply online until June 11 for a reassessment and scrutiny. Details on the website.
First Semester LLM conducted by Kerala University in August 2021 The result of the examination has been published. Applications for scrutiny must be submitted offline by June 13 to the University Office. Details on the website.
B.P.Ed conducted by Kerala University in March 2022. (Two Year Course) First Semester (Regular and Supplementary), Third Semester (Regular) Exam Results Published Details on the website.
MPE conducted by Kerala University in April 2022. (Previous) The result of the Supplementary Examination has been published. Details on the website.```
* Practical - Updated Exam Date *
`` The final year MBBS was scheduled to be held on May 27, 2022 at the University of Kerala. The subject of ‘Pediatrics’ in the Part 20, Jan. 2022 Practical Exam has been rescheduled for June 6th. Details on the website.```
* Timetable *
`` Kerala University Sixth Semester Unitary (Three Year) LLB, April 2022 Viva Examination Time Table Published. Details on the website.```
MG University Announcements *
* MG University *
* Exam changed *
The Environmental Engineering II (C) examination scheduled for June 20 has been postponed to June 23. The ‘Cost Estimation (U)’ paper for the 8th Semester B.Tech (Admission from 1997 to 2009 - Mercy Chance) examination scheduled for June 28 has been dropped from the timetable.
* Postponed exams from June 6 *
The third semester M.Sc. - Artificial Intelligence (2020 Admission - Regular / 2019 Admission - Supplementary, CSS) examinations scheduled to start on April 25 and later postponed will start on June 6. Detailed timetable on the University website.```
* Rank List *
`` Last year B.Sc. - Final Rank List of Medical Laboratory Technology Exam has been published. The list can be checked on the University website (www. Mgu.ac.in)
* Exam Fee *
`` `First Semester BLISC. (2021 Admission - Regular / 2020 Admission - Supplementary / 2019, 2018, 2017 Admissions - Mercy Chance) Examinations will start on 24th June. You can apply till June 14 without penalty, on June 15 with a fine of Rs 525 and on June 16 with a superfine of Rs 1050. Details of Time Table and Mercy Chance Fees are available on the University website.
* Exam Result *
`` `The fourth semester M.A. Sociology (Private Studies) Special Supplementary Viva Voce Exam Results Published Details on the University website.```
Calicut University Announcements *
* University of Calicut *
* Exam *
`` `Second Semester M.Sc. Health and Yoga Therapy June 2021 Regular and Supplementary Examinations will start on the 13th as per the revised timetable.
* Exam Application *
`` Fourth Semester CBCSS-PG in Affiliated Colleges April 2022 MHM for Regular, Supplementary and Improvement Examinations. You can also register online for the April 2022 regular exam up to 14 without penalty and up to 17 with a penalty of Rs 170. CCSS-PG in University Studies April 2022 Regular, Supplementary and Improvement Examinations can be registered online up to 17 without penalty and up to 20 with penalty of Rs.170.
Second Semester LLM in Law Colleges You can register online for the December 2021 Regular Examination and the March 2022 Supplementary Examination till the 15th without penalty and till the 17th with a penalty of Rs.170.```
* Revaluation result *
`` Third Semester B.Voc. Optometry and Ophthalmological Techniques November 2019 Exam Re-Assessment Results Published.```
______________________________Kannur University Announcements *
* Kannur University *
* Re-admission and change of college *
`` For the academic year 2022-23, re-admission to three, five semester degree programs in colleges affiliated to the University, third semester postgraduate programs in affiliated colleges and departments, three to seven, nine to five semester BLLB programs, re-admission to colleges and three semesters; For college transfers in undergraduate (third semester) programs, students must submit applications online by June 13, 2022 (https: // certificates.kannuruniversity.ac.in) `` `.
* Other Education News *
* Admission to Vadakkancherry Community College *
`` Govt. Applications are invited for the Certificate Program in Precision Machinist (CPPM) Course starting at Community College. It has 40 seats. Eligibility SSLC, Plus Two. Applicants must be 17 years of age or older by June 1, 2022. Must not be over 23 years old. Of the total seats, 80% will be reserved for Scheduled Castes, 10% for Scheduled Tribes and 10% for non-Scheduled Tribes. Application forms and prospectus are available at the District Scheduled Caste Development Office and Vadakkancherry Community College. The District Scheduled Caste Development Officer informed that the completed applications should be submitted to Vadakkancherry Community College by 5 pm on June 9. Phone: 04922 256424, 9747172107, 9995526395```
* Applications are invited for vocational courses *
"Applications are invited for the new batch of vocational courses at Keltron's Vazhuthacaud Knowledge Center, Thiruvananthapuram. Admission is to one year Advanced Diploma in Digital Media Designing and Animation Film Making, Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Diploma in Computer Hardware with e-Gadget Technologies.
Eligibility: Plus Two, Diploma and Degree. The last date is June 12. The application form is available on the website ksg.ketron.in. Phone: 9037553242, 0477-2325154.
Diploma in Meat Technology for Plus Two students and Certificate in Poultry Farming for 8th class students now
Applications are invited for Diploma in Meat Technology and Certificate Course in Poultry Farming conducted jointly by Indira Gandhi National Open University and State Poultry Development Corporation (KEPCO).
_Winners of Plus Two can apply for the Diploma in Meat Technology course. The duration of the diploma course is one year. Winners of Class VIII can apply for Certificate in Poultry Farming Course. The duration of the certificate course is six months. Fee waiver for SC students.
Now those who have written the Plus Two exam and are waiting for the result can also apply for the diploma course. All they have to do is apply after their results come in by the 20th of this month. Applications for these courses can be submitted until July 31.
The application should be submitted online through https: // onlineadmission.ignou.ac.in/admission/. For more information: 9495000931, 9400608493.```