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 Who killed Marilyn Monroe? ⁇

 👉Merlin Monroe is leaving this world at the age of thirty-six. Although she has only acted in over 30 films, Vishwasundari has captured the heart of the world, intoxicating Hollywood with her acting and glowing body. In those fifties, when television was not even that popular, Merlin established herself at the peak of her dream world fame. There were no men who did not covet Marilyn Monroe. She was able to bring all the men she wanted into her like a magnet. Merlin had many romantic relationships.

 It ranged from Charlie Chaplin Jr. to Marlon Brando, the protagonist of The Godfather. Three marriages, the first husband was James Dougherty, a naval officer. Joe de Maggio, then a famous baseball player, and later Arthur Miller, a famous screenwriter. Like many romantic relationships, Merlin had profound romantic frustrations. She had started taking sleeping pills to survive the nights of sleep deprivation. Then, for 12 consecutive years, they would regularly use such drugs.

 At 4.25am on August 5, 1962, a phone call came to the Los Angeles Police Station, with Dr. Ralph Greenson on the other end of the phone. Psychiatrist by Marilyn Monroe. Police Sergeant Jack Clemens, who picked up the phone, was shocked to hear the news. Marilyn Monroe has committed suicide. When he arrived at Merlin's bungalow in Brentwood, he found Merlin completely naked on the bed. The telephone receiver is held in one hand. Bottles of the so-called lethal drug were lined up on a nearby table, but there was no glass of water or empty bottle to drink it.

 At one point, he realized that Merlin's body had been transplanted by someone after his death. There were no signs of suicide in that room. Jack Clemens realized that he was acting in the final scene of a play that someone had prepared according to a precise plan. He wrote in red ink in his diary, "Marilyn Monroe did not commit suicide, she was brutally murdered, that is the truth." Again, there were reasons to think so.

 Merlin was pronounced dead at 10.30pm, but police were notified hours later. In the meantime, Jack Clemens found that several vehicles had come and gone, and that valuable documents had been smuggled in from there.

 John F. Kennedy, the then President of the United States, was one of the most flawed of Merle's love affairs and led to her downfall. He had an affair with Kennedy and his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, also known as Bobby. The issue was exacerbated when Merlin's love stories with them were published in newspapers. Merlin threatens to hold a press conference and call out to the world all the secrets that will be left out later. Perhaps if that press conference had taken place that day, Merlin would have been calling not only stories of a love affair with the Kennedy brothers, but also political secrets that could have affected the very existence of the then American government.

 Most likely, we can assume that Merlin's death was a murder, but who killed Marilyn Monroe? Some secrets have been unraveled for decades.

 A toxicologist who examined Merlin's internal organs found that the blood contained a deadly toxin called nebutal, but the postmortem report excluded that the cause of death was drug overdose. All the radio channels and newspapers admitted that it was a suicide. Otherwise, the suggestion was to say so.

 The day before Merlin's death, Bobby Kennedy arrives at his bungalow in Brentwood with his brother - in - law, Peter LaFord, to change his official responsibilities. Discussions between them were recorded on a tape recorder hidden there. Bobby Kennedy's demand that Marilyn withdraw from the press conference. But Merlin was not ready for that.

 After getting out of there, Bobby and Peter Lafford decide to silence her. Then make some plans. Eunice More, a housekeeper, called for an ambulance to take Merlin, who was found unconscious in his bedroom that night, to the hospital, and immediately informed Dr. Ralph Greenson, Merlin's psychiatrist.

 But an ambulance arrives just before Dr. Greenson arrives. James Hall, a paramedic who was in the ambulance, later revealed: "When we got there, Merlin was alive, but when Dr. Greenson came in, he took a syringe out of his bag and said it was a kind of syringe that was unlikely to be seen in the hands of a psychiatrist. He then announced that Merlin was dead and sent us back. "

 News of Merlin's death only became known to the world after all the documents, including her red diary, had been removed. Under the leadership of Peter Lafford, all the evidence was destroyed. Even Merlin's body was lying on the ground so as not to see the mark of the syringe in the blood-stained chest. Jack Clemens was removed from the investigation after it was determined that Merlin's death was not a suicide .The case was later investigated by another police officer who was loyal to Bobby Kennedy. No one discussed the role of the Kennedy brothers. For decades, Merlin's murder was covered up as suicide.

 Six years after Merlin's death, the Kennedy brothers were brutally murdered. Both were shot in the head. Time has accurately calculated its figures.

 💢 tail piece

 Marilyn Monroe was found dead on August 5, 1962, at her home in Los Angeles. Marilyn Monroe's real name is Norma Jean Mortensen. Norma Jean became Marilyn Monroe when she adopted the name Marilyn and her mother's family name from the musician Marilyn Miller who lived in the 1920s.

 Merlin was born on June 1, 1926, in Los Angeles. Like many other celebrities, a miserable childhood awaited Merlin. Child who does not know who his father is. Marilyn was devastated when her mother suffered a stroke. Marilyn spent most of her childhood in an orphanage. In 1937, Merle's family friend Grace and her husband, Doc Goddard, took care of Merle for a while. Both couples were devout believers. Strictly adhering to the rites, they forbade Merle from watching the movie. But things turned upside down in 1942 when Doc Godard was transferred to the East. They could not take Merlin with them.

 During his time in the orphanage, Monroe was repeatedly sexually abused. Monroe later said he was raped at the age of eleven. At the age of 16, Monroe married her boyfriend, Jimmy Dogerti, after the Goddard couple divorced. After her husband, a Merchant Navy officer, moved to the South Pacific, Monroe found work at an arms factory in California. That beauty catches the eye of a photographer while working in a factory. By the time Dogerti returned in 1946, Monroe had become famous as a model. It was during this time that Norma adopted the name Marilyn Monroe, which changed her name to Jean Mortensen.

 Realizing that film was his life, Monroe broke up with Dogarti in 1946. In the same year, he signed a contract to act in his first film. Thus began her life as Marilyn Monroe. Monroe's first film was released in 1950. Monroe began with a small role in John Huston's The Asphalt Jungle. The subsequent release of "All About Eve" marked a turning point in Merlin's acting career.

 The 1953 film Niagara was Monroe's first step towards becoming a sex symbol. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, How to Marry a Millionaire, Dear Is No Business Like Show Business, and Seven Year Itch became super hits.

 The world-famous star has often caused unrest in Monroe. This left Monroe physically and mentally exhausted. In the meantime, he has signed deals with a number of film studios. The 1956 bus stop was a testament to Monroe's acting prowess. The film was a testament to Monroe's ability to be a good actress rather than a drug addict.

 Monroe's fame spread in the United States and abroad as the movie "The Prince and Show Girl", produced and directed by Lawrence Oliver, became a super hit in the UK. But the misbehavior towards his teammates continued to cause unrest on the cinema site. Monroe was married twice more during his film career. But that did not last long.

 The following years were not so good for Monroe. Let's Make Love (1960) and Misfitz (61) were box office failures. Something Got to Give Monroe was the last film released in 1962. Filming was halted after Monroe disappeared during filming, but the film was not released. Physical difficulties were beginning to paralyze Monroe. Meanwhile, he became addicted to drugs.

 It will happen on August 5, 1962. Travels with Marilyn Monroe, who has captivated the world with her sexy beauty. Monroe was just 36 years old when she was found dead in her bedroom after overdosing on sleeping pills. It was alleged that the brothers, John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, were involved in Monroe's death.

 Several films have been released based on Monroe's life. Every generation that grows up watching movies is still talking about the all-time famous drug addict, Marilyn Monroe.

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