എന്താണ് സർവെ/റീസർവെ ? ഇ-രേഖ പദ്ധതി ?

 A message! A knowledge!

 What is Survey / Reserve? E-Document Project? Outreach Materials? Want to notify landlords of reserve opening information? Is it mandatory to stone all surveys? ⁇

 The Department of Survey and Geography is one of the oldest departments in the state of Kerala. The Director of Surveys is the head in charge of survey activities in the state, including land conservation. The survey was started many years before the formation of the State of Kerala as part of the princely states of Malabar, Madras, Travancore and Kochi. The traditional survey methods of the time were the Khasara survey, which was written, recorded and measured with a ten-foot stick. The survey, conducted scientifically from 1882 to 1902, is known as the Settlement Survey. Settlement survey records are still considered the basic record of survey and revenue activities.

 The Department of Survey and Land Records is currently in the process of digitally surveying the land owned by individuals or institutions in the State of Kerala, either individually or collectively, and under the control of the Central and State Governments, in accordance with the existing laws, using the latest technologies and survey equipment, and compiling them in the name of the heirs.

 The preparation of a comprehensive report based on an objective inquiry into anything is generally known as a survey, and a land survey is a land survey. Reserve survey refers to the land survey activities currently conducted by the Survey and Land Survey Department based on the Settlement Survey (Original Survey) records. The Kerala Survey Boundary Act came into force in 1961 and in accordance with this, reserve procedures were started in the state in 1964.

  The Digital Survey is an innovative geo-survey based on the Geographical System (GIS) to better access the services provided by the Survey Department using modern information technology and direct access to the public. Currently, the digital survey method is used for all survey activities under the Survey and Geography Department. This allows records to be obtained digitally, quickly, transparently and accurately. Such digital maps can also be used by other government departments for a variety of purposes.

 Survey records prepared many years before the formation of the State of Kerala have not been included in the Survey Records due to subsequent changes in the Survey Records. Came as needed. The T survey activities started from 1964 are known as Reserve. The Survey and Land Survey Department aims to compile updated (updated) survey records of all the villages in the State through the Reserve.

 This way

 സ്ഥാനംLocation of each holding land in the state,

 It is possible to determine the boundary and area.

 തിനാൽ By setting up permanent survey markers across the boundaries of private property and surveying and maintaining records accordingly, it is possible for landowners to resolve border disputes fairly.

 It is possible to levy tax depending on the area.

 സർക്കാർGovernment-owned lands can be protected from encroachment by specially re-surveying and compiling records.

 സർക്കാർ It is possible to provide various government benefits to the people, including issuing leases.

 ല്ലാത്ത Various schemes of the government like Landless Kerala are able to find land to provide land to the landless.

 മാMaps can be accurately prepared for a variety of purposes, including administrative boundaries.

 Facilitates revenue administration based on accurate land records.

 The e-Record project is a project to modernize the records of the Department of Survey and Geography in a modern way. Under this scheme, survey records are preserved through two processes namely preservation and scanning. Preservation work is done by fumigation, stain removal, lamination and re-binding of old records. Records thus preserved are scanned and stored on a page-by-page basis so that copies can be copied from the scanned archive to a printout or CD if required. Being able to copy in this way helps to prevent damage to records and to preserve them for a long time. Records completed after scanning are transferred to specially prepared modern record rooms.

 Digitized Survey Records are available on the web portal erekha and are available for public viewing online for free at a fixed fee.

 There are a few things you need to know about the Reserve

 Landlords are not notified directly of the opening of the reserve. T publishes information through the media. This is a valid notice to all landowners in the village where the reserve begins. A village is fully reserved. It is the responsibility of each landowner to assist and co-operate in the proper conduct of the reserve by showing the exact boundaries and title deeds (document, title, deed of purchase, receipt of tax, etc.) to the concerned officials during the course of the reserve.

 Even if there is a legal title deed and the land is not clearly in possession, the land which is not clearly demarcated can not be subdivided into reserves and included only in the name of the heir.

 According to the title deeds, the area under the current possession is included in the record under the reserve. The ownership of the title deeds must be ensured.

 There are opportunities to check and rectify any discrepancies in the survey during reserve work and when field work is completed and records are displayed. This should be fully utilized by the landlords.

 Landlords who share borders with government lands such as outlying and fallow lands should ensure that government lands are not included in their possession. Exit space is public. It's not.

 ിലSome doubts and answers to them💫

 തിനാൽAccording to the boundary area and sketch, there is a difference as the record is prepared by reserve and not according to the boundary of the property. What can be done to help?

 The discrepancy between the sketch and the area can be resolved by applying to the concerned Revenue authorities under Section 13A of the Survey Boundary Act.

 I enjoy the land I have leased on the go. When the Reserve Record came into force, it was recorded in the records as government land. What should be done to correct the T defect?

 You can resolve the matter by submitting the application to the Land Taluk Tehsildar of the concerned Taluk Office along with a copy of the title deed, title deed sketch, title deed and title deed.

 െങ്കിൽ If one of the heirs of the joint property is deceased, what should be done to subdivide the property I am entitled to from the T property?

 Sub-divisional proceedings will be taken up by the Taluk Surveyor and changes will be made in the Village Records on application to the concerned Taluk Land Tehsildar after the demarcation of the property by the heirs of the deceased and other joint heirs.

 What steps should be taken to move the goods acquired under the will?

 You can travel through the village by producing the death certificate, original will and list certificate of the person who wrote the will.

 What do I need to do to be included in the reserve as I have gone abroad after registration of Aadhaar and before departure?

 If the evidence is registered before the reserve, the issue can be resolved by submitting an application to the Taluk Land Tahsildar and after the reserve, the application can be made through the Village Office on the basis of the reserve number written on the reserve.

 ുന്നില്ല Can't move as the survey number of the object in possession differs from the survey number on the basis What is the solution to this?

 If there is an error in the recording of the survey number when the evidence is given, the error in the survey number can be rectified by the person who gave the evidence in the survey number and the evidence can be rectified in writing and after that the poke can be received through the village.

 വസ്തുക്കൾ Items are jointly reserved on the basis of a separate basis of two persons. What do I need to do to get a special tax deduction?

 Once you have set a specific boundary, you can apply to the Taluk office along with a copy of the Aadhaar and seek redressal.

 എന്താണ് What should be done for the arrival and transfer of minor items?

 Minor Items When the minor becomes a major, proof of age can be produced and transported through the Village Office. For the transfer of minor items, the transfer can be made by showing the list on the basis of the third item.

 What is Outreach? What are the procedures for delivery and sale of outdoor items?

 Outcourses are property owned by more than one individual and held in a single tactic or collective hold. Since everyone has an equal right to T goods, when selling T goods, everyone must write their rights together. Example If 6 people are entitled to 12 cents, when transferring to another person, all six must sign their outright rights together. If one of the co-heirs takes possession of the property, the other five will have to file a waiver of their rights.

 I have been living in a house for years and paying taxes on the property on which I got the Land Tribunal title. But when the reserve ran out, I could not pay the tax on my property. When the officers inquired, they found out that the survey number from which the title was received was different and could only be added to the name if it had been corrected. I am in possession of the same item as described by the rat in the Mahasar with the sword. What do I need to do to get the name added?

 In order to rectify the deficiencies in the survey number from which the title deed was issued, the application can be made to the concerned Land Tahsildar in writing after rectifying the deficiency by submitting the application to the Land Tribunal under the Kerala Land Reforms Rule 136 (a).

 വസ്തു The record is prepared for the property which was taxed before the reserve and left after the reserve. Can this be changed?

 The right to outlying areas is vested in the government. Failure to produce the title deeds of the government land at the time of reserve will only result in expropriation in the reserve record. The record can be amended by submitting an application to the concerned Land Tehsildar, including the title deeds.

 ☄️ Private Road is recorded as Reserve Road (Panchayat) on the Reserve Road. What does it take to get a nickname?

 Apply to the Land Tehsildar along with the documents proving the right. Based on the decision of the Panchayat Committee that the land is not included in the panchayat property records and there is no objection to its addition, the land tehsildar will resolve the issue by examining the documents.

 If the boundary stones are lost, and the opposing party encroaches on my backyard and attempts to build a wall, what can I do to determine the location of the original stone and redefine the boundary of my property?

 It is the duty of the concerned Taluk Surveyor to show the boundaries of the survey as per the Kerala Survey Boundary Act. Therefore, the concerned Taluk Surveyor will issue a notice to all the land owners who share the boundaries of the applicant and demarcate the boundaries after submitting the application to the concerned Land Tahsildar in Form No. 10. If there is any objection to this action, it can be appealed to the concerned District Survey Superintendent within three months. The decision of the District Survey Superintendent on delimitation will be final. If there is an objection then the civil court can be approached.

 Why when records are in digital form

 Throwing survey stones at the social impact study?

 The Kerala Survey and Boundaries Act does not require all surveys to be quoted. The Act stipulates that a landmark should be set aside for land survey for projects. Rs. The only rule in the law is that the land should be marked and marked with something. യുന്നുള്ളു. This is a link not only to the current K-rail but also to the national highway development. No.

 Government notifies of social impact study of any project Sections 4 and 6 of the Kerala Survey and Boundaries Act stipulate that the survey was conducted by Rin. Makes it clear. If the area where the social impact study is to be conducted is highly marked. The only thing that is in the law is that. It will be enough for the yellow color mark or the lines. It is also in the law to make the people of the area aware.

 The Survey Department will be able to prepare your land records flawlessly and accurately only if you provide adequate geographical information and co-operation to the Survey Officers who approach you in the face of crises, adverse weather and terrain. Each survey officer is a public servant. Cooperate fully with the officers assigned to assist you. The help and co-operation of the people is essential to address the land survey needs.

 Credit: Kerala State Survey and Land Records Department.

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