
 Terrible headache .....

 Deepa went to the room to sleep at night and said while sitting on the bed ....

 Rajesh was waiting for Deepa to come.

 Rajeshetta could not bear the pain of breaking her head .... Deepa lay down on the bed.

 How do you do all this cool stuff?

 വിട് രാജേഷേട്ടാ .... എനിക്ക് വയ്യ ... തലവേദനയാണെന്ന് പറഞ്ഞത് കള്ളത്തരം ...

 Deepa moves to the side of the wall, freeing Rajesh's grip .....

 If you're always like, 'What do I do? I'm going to have to go somewhere else to get my things done ...

 Poyko Rajeshetta I have no complaints ... I do not know if I can sleep or not because of the headache .....

 It's been a long time since I've had every pain like this .... Are you giving it to someone else without me knowing? Rajesh explodes in anger ....


 I know you're starting to get tired of me ... you're resisting it and then avoiding me every day with every pain .....

 Yes, I do not deny that ....

 I'm married to do my thing, not to count your pain every day and sleep with my feelings ....

 Rajesh is telling me what I want. ? Rajesh, I agree

 Who wants it? I don't want it ..... I just need to give it a go .... Rajesh lay down and slept: .... Deepak could not even close his eyes due to the headache ..... Deepa got up and walked to the kitchen. Ready for breakfast and lunch ......... When I had a headache, I boiled black tea, ate a biscuit and five biscuits from a bowl, took some painkillers and started hanging out in the yard ....

 After five years of marriage, he has a four - year - old daughter. He works as a clerk in Rajesh's village. I do not know. And yet, without complaining or worrying, Rajesh is living looking after the family and Molde matters ..... Rajesh's sister, Kettiyon and children will come to the party on the eve of receiving Rajesh's salary. Who does she ask but her sister or brother .....

 I'm often the one Rajeshettan forgets about his needs .... but I'm the one Rajeshettan remembers when he goes to the bedroom .... .... Rajeshettan's need is to cry when he goes back to bed and there is no one to even hear him ..... He has been suffering from severe headache and some physical ailments for the last one month ........ Unbearable headache for a few days ..... .... I want to go to the hospital but when I tell Rajesh about the pain and fatigue, it is eight o'clock ....

 After sweeping the yard, he went into the kitchen and served breakfast to Rajesh and Mol. Rajesh took the dress to go to the office, prepared the mole and came to the dining room. Rajeshettan was offered something to eat .... Mol was given something to eat ......

 Molte packed up and took the bag and approached Rajesh's bike. Rajesh had already started riding the bike ....

 I have no leave .....

 Can I go alone? Can you give me the money to go to the hospital?

 I have no money. Call me at your house and let them come and take you away ....

 Rajesh has money for everything else, I just don't have money to buy medicine, do I?

 No ..... yes but I do not intend to give. .... Everybody saw that every pain is not a tactic ...

 രാജേഷേട്ടാ ......

 Don't worry ... I have no cash

 Deepa silently put Molly on the bike ..... Rajeshettan watched her go for a moment .... came inside the house. ... seemed to do nothing. He entered the room and closed the door. Closing my eyes ....

 Deepa ...... Deepa ..... Deepak realized that she had fallen asleep when she heard her mother's call. Deepa got up quickly and looked at the clock. Deepa sat in the living room ..... Deepa decided to put her clothes in her bag and took the file containing her certificates and other documents and the gold she had left unused and pulled the bag sib out of the bag. Then he changed his dress, took his bag and left the room

 Pretending not to see his mother trembling in the hall, he went out of the house, without even looking at his father, who was sitting on the porch, went out into the yard, through the gate and into the road .... The first auto he saw told him where to go. A smile appeared on the driver's face as he got the long run ...... After running for two hours, Deepa was happy when he stopped the car in front of his house.

 He took the car fare from his father and gave it to the driver and told him to leave.

 Why are you alone? Deepa's mother Sudha came and asked where Rajesh and the baby were, taking the bag from Deepa's hand.

 I'll tell you all. I'm going to be fresh. I'm hungry. Mom, take me something to eat.

 Deepa took the bag and went to her room .....

 Sudha took the food for Deepa even when Deepa came out of the shower.

 Sudha sat and watched her daughter eat.

 Soon after the meal, Sudha came to the porch with Mol ..... Deepa described to her father and mother about her headache and what Rajesh had said today and all the misery and grief she had experienced at her husband's house .....

 Molenta has never said anything like this .......

 I know that if I come here and tell my sorrows, my father and mother will be with me ..... but I endured everything till now because I saw my husband's house as my own. Then I remembered that Rajesh would be sad if I came here and told him everything ..... .. that no harm should come to them because of me .....

 All three of our children are the same ..... just because we got married does not mean we have given up all relationships ....

 Deepa went to her room and lay down with her eyes closed. Deepak was very tired. Open. After dinner, Deepa went to her room after talking to her father and mother for a while. Rajesh was using an old phone. It was left there before the fight ...... Deepak was saddened by the mole. Molde would have known if Rajesh had disappeared after work and had not even called one so far. Rajesh did not answer the phone except when he rang the bell and rang Rajesh's phone from his father's phone. Rajesh returned the phone to his father and took the book from the books stacked in the room and just turned it over. Passed with good marks for the degree. Her dream was to become a teacher. That marriage took place because everything came together ........

 My aunt and uncle are still studying ...... my father and mother are working in agriculture ..... yet my father and mother raised us without any difficulty ...

 Deepa sheds tears remembering each and every one ......

 The next morning Sudha went with tea and knocked on Deepa's door. Sudha is shocked and unconscious. Deepa's nose and mouth are bleeding .....

 Sudha saw it and cried. Sudha's father cries when he hears Sudha crying .....

 With a heartbeat, the doctor opened the door of the door to open the door in front of Deepa's father and mother, who were standing in front of the room.

 Doctor .... how is our mole ......

 I will not say that there is nothing to fear. Scanned. A tumor is growing in Deepa's brain. Bleeding has now occurred as a result. Not only that, Deepa's left side is tired ....

 Sudha was lying on the ground tired after hearing what the doctor said .....

 Treatment has already begun. A surgery should be performed immediately to remove the tumor and send it for a test but we could find out more ......

 Deepa's father looked at each other and Deepa's father did not know what to do. Rajesh's father called Rajesh several times. But Rajesh cut the call without responding .....

 Deepa was hospitalized for a long time and Rajesh never came to see Deepa ... The biopsy result was negative.

 The divorce notice was waiting for Deepa who was discharged from the hospital ..... Two months after her divorce from Deepa, Rajesh slapped another girl ...... Rajesh did not want to bring Molly even once.

 Deepa did not show any interest in her daughter as she was not sure about her death or life .... Deepak was sure that Molly Rajesh and her family would love her so much that they would take good care of Molly.

  When Deepa's determination to get up and walk, and the loving care and treatment of her parents were all over, Deepa slowly began to return to life. Deepa never wasted any time lying idle. He studied MA privately and also studied for PSC. ..... got good marks and passed MA and also got a good rank in the main list of PSC.

 Three years later

 Deepa woke up early in the morning, took a bath and went to the temple with her mother and father ..... prayed in front of God ......

 Rajesh arrived at the office in the morning

 Did the new sir join today saying that the new village officer will take charge? Rajesh asked another staff member in the office.

 Today is the Village Officer's wedding.

 Were you waiting to get a job to get married?

 When the Willow Officer arrives, sir, Rajesh will ask you directly ...... The others in the office laughed when they heard another staff member say that.

 At that time a car came and stopped in the yard of the office

  It seems that sir has come ....... Everyone went out to meet the new village officer.

  One of the staff members handed over a bouquet to Rajesh to give to the new officer and give him a bouquet.

  Rajesh's eyes darkened when he saw the person getting out of the car ......

  Deepa ...... opened the door on the other side of the car and another handsome young man got down ....

  Rajesh sir gave that boka madam. This is our new Village Officer ..... Rajesh stretched out his bouquet with trembling hands towards Deepa and Deepa accepted the bouquet with a smile ..... wished everyone ..... then introduced everyone by pointing at the young man standing next to her

  My husband Vinod is a CI in the police department

  Rajesh looked at Vinod ..... and towards Deepa ..... Rajesh went to his seat with his face down.

  The woman who once awaited death is now ahead of her boss. Rajesh felt like running away somewhere .....

  Deepa left in the evening and said goodbye to Vinoddeepa

  Vinod and his mother were newcomers to his house. After Vinod went to work, his mother would be alone in the house. In his spare time, his mother would come home. Vinod's wife was dead. .... Vinod told his mother all his stories. So the mother asked the girl for her son and today the marriage ended. Vinod said that Rajesh is in this office. It was Vinod's insistence that he join here. Arranging Boka Taran Rajesh was also fun .... Deepa smiled at each other.

  It's over.

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